Friday, June 13, 2008

Woman Overboard...

Did you ever do something fully knowing you were probably going a little overboard? And yet keep doing it? Yeah, I did that yesterday....

I INNOCENTLY posted a thread on Etsy looking for soap sellers that I hadn't purchased from yet. What resulted, ladies and gentleman, is true chaos. I am now going to be the proud new recipient of 12, you heard me correctly, TWELVE new bars of soap. I'm not even sharing numbers on body butters. Now, if I were perhaps out of or even low on soap at home, this would not be quite so excessive. But alas, I already own two drawers of soap and cleansing paraphernalia.

However, do not fret, I guarantee that between my obsession, and the fact that my husband now steals my soaps from me, not a drop of this soapy delight shall go to waste. It will all be used in a far too timely manner, I promise.

I'm not proud of how much money I just spent (that surely could have gone toward other things) but that's why they call it an addiction, I suppose. But on the upside, the money all went to the fine and talented crafters of Etsy. And DAMN, I'm gonna smell good.

And for those who are wondering, I still haven't found my camera. So if I can't turn it up sometime tonight, I'll just have to get myself a new SD card and use the Kodak - keep your eyes open for new cards!


Handcrafted by LaMar said...

hey these things happen...A little too much soap you ask me but hey everyone has there addiction....

Anonymous said...

You can never have enough soap and Thank you for mentioning my shop as one of the Etsy sellers you purchased from. My shop always gets overlook when up against the top sellers there. Much thanks and enjoy your new soaps :-)

Valerie said...

These things happen to me all the time. I have a box where I keep all my soaps. Wanna know how many soaps I have stored in this box ? =P

Around 18.