Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Matches are Made!

Just an update for those participating in Etsy penpals- the matches are officially all made! I will be convo-ing people their matches this evening. I did my best to fulfill everyone's requests but unfortunately couldn't meet each and every one. I then tried to match people on interests, age, etc. and I hope all the matches work out well. Once you've gotten a chance to get to know your penpal, please drop me a line if you get a chance and let me know how I did!

Thanks again to all that participated!


Anonymous said...
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bee said...

Thank you for sorting it all out. You're a star.

fluffnflowers said...

Yay! Thanks so much for doing this. Can't wait to get my match. :)

Unknown said...

that's great,can't wait!

Thank you for getting this all together:)

Tasha Early said...

Yeah penpals!!! ;)